Personal experiences
When I was five I had a serious accident with my bike where I broke my arm. I was brought to a hospital and my arm had to undergo surgery. Before I slept in I thought about how much Jesus has suffered for me to live and prayed to him. That gave me enormous encouragement and power during the surgery and the healing process and thanks to him because I became fully healthy again.
After praying I feel better and more powerful.
I was watching a horror movie as a child and I couldn’t sleep because of my fear, so I made a quick prayer and was able to sleep again.
While praying, I’m feeling comfortable, concentrated and not lonely because of God.
Gratitude log
A gratitude log is like a way to thank for the day. Even if you have the feeling that the day might not have been too good, you will for sure find at least five things you are thankful for. Therefore you just have to write those things down and you will find something for sure. With this method, you know your day also has good sides.
To thank god you just have to find a way to talk with him, which could be a church or just praying on your own at home. Therefore, you can speak with Jesus as a friend or just have “a coffee with Jesus”, where you tell him what your problems are and he will help you. Also the connection to nature is a step forward next to praying in the bible.
Here we have made an interactive tool for you that you can print out:

Community Groups
No man is an island.
John Donne
This famous quote reminds us that we are here for one another. This applies especially in the christian communities, because God has created man for fellowships. Although having a personal prayer and relationship with God is an essential part of our life in faith, being a part of a community or prayer group gives us even more strength to overcome obstacles in our life. Here are some tips you can do in your little prayer communities:
- Share experiences: tips for others, encouragement, helping each other
- Pray: use your own words to express the worship, sing, dance for the glory of God
- Volunteer together: helping the others gives you a validation that you are special and important
- Bible studies: read and reflect on the bible texts together. You will see how much you can relate to many bible characters
- Invite a guest who can give you a lecture on a particular topic. Let yourself be encouraged by a person who can testify how God works in his life.
- Go to church together. Sometimes we do not feel like going to church because of a lot of reasons. Try going together as a group, it might help you to find a new relationship to the sacred place.
Other tips
- Connect with nature: Going on a trip, walking in nature and praising God for all the creation. This is not merely admiring nature, but rather admiring the one who has given it to all of us, realizing how He loves us.
- „Have coffee with Jesus“: sit down and speak to Jesus like a friend. Imagine He is sitting next to you and is ready to listen to whatever you want to tell Him.
- “A minute pause”: find some time during the day (at least two or three times) to disconnect and detach from everything. Closing your eyes realize the presence of God, that He is always with you. Offer him everything, eg.: “Jesus, I give everyone and everything to you.” Stay with Him for 1-2 minutes and then continue your day. A helpful mobile app is “One Minute Pause”: